Who is my advisor?
You can find your advisor’s name and contact information in Student Admin, by clicking “Academic Progress & Advising,” and then “Advisor.”
How do I schedule an appointment with my advisor?
- Some schedule appointments via e-mail, while others use the Nexus system or have drop-in hours available for on-demand advising.
- To find out how your advisor schedules appointments or what their office hours are, go to the department website. Typically this information is found under such headings as “Contact Us,” “Faculty” or similar.
What should I discuss with my advisor?
- general education requirements
- major requirements
- course planning
- academic support if you’re encountering academic challenges
- educational opportunities (education abroad, research, internships, etc.)
- career and graduate school plans
- co-curricular leadership and service opportunities that enhance your academic experiences
Note though that no single advisor has expertise in all the areas you may wish to explore. But advisors can help direct you to other resources on campus.
Learn more about the advisor/advisee relationship and advisor/advisee responsibilities.
Who else can answer my questions?
If your advisor is unsure about specific requirements or regulations, s/he will likely direct you to your School or College advising center. These offices are also able to answer questions about such matters as substitutions, excess credit, late drops, academic probation and dismissal.
No single advisor has expertise in all the areas a student may wish to explore.
- Students should consult with a wide range of faculty and staff who may be able to advise them on the many opportunities available, such as education abroad, research, internships, careers, and graduate school.
- See Academic and Other Support and Opportunities for further information.