Undergraduate Advising Professional Development

UConn's Undergraduate Advising Professional Development Series supports and elevates inclusive and equitable faculty and professional staff advising practices. Specific dates and session information for the 2024-25 academic year as well as can be found below.

All interested UConn faculty and staff are warmly invited to attend; however, please note that our focus is primarily undergraduate academic advising. 

Please reach out with any questions or if you require an accommodation for any of our sessions to Kelly Gilbert, Assistant Director for Engagement, Learning, and Development, Office of Undergraduate Advising.

Coffee and Conversations Series

The Coffee and Conversations series was initiated as an opportunity for faculty and professional staff advisors as well as campus partners to connect for a morning of networking. Simply drop by to connect with colleagues while also learning about our advising structures, initiatives, and spaces. Coffee will be served; drop-ins encouraged.

College of Engineering Coffee and Conversations (February 11)

Flyer for Coffee and Conversation with the College of Engineering. Wooden table. background with a coffee cup, coffee, and espresso beans. With a navy blue low-opacity overlay. It has text detailing the event's name, time, location, and coffee cup.
The academic advising team in the College of Engineering invites faculty and professional staff advisors as well as our campus partners for a morning of networking and conversation in a healthy, inclusive, and engaging atmosphere. Connect with colleagues and learn about advising structures, initiatives, and spaces. Coffee and refreshments will be served.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: E2, Room 303, Storrs campus

RSVP here by February 4, 2025

School of Nursing Coffee and Conversations (April 9)

Flyer for Coffee and Conversation with the School of Nursing. Wooden table. background with a coffee cup, coffee, and espresso beans. With a navy blue low-opacity overlay. It has text detailing the event's name, time, location, and coffee cup.


The academic advising team in the School of Nursing invites faculty and professional staff advisors as well as our campus partners for a morning of networking and conversation in a healthy, inclusive, and engaging atmosphere. Connect with colleagues and learn about advising structures, initiatives, and spaces. Coffee and refreshments will be served.

Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: Storrs Hall, Room 118, Storrs campus

RSVP here by April 2, 2025

Office of Undergraduate Advising Coffee and Conversations (Sept 11)

Flyer for Coffee and Conversation with Office of Undergraduate advising. Wooden table. background with a coffee cup, coffee, and espresso beans. With a navy blue low-opacity overlay. It has text detailing the event's name, time, location, and coffee cup.


The Office of Undergraduate Advising invites faculty and professional staff advisors as well as our campus partners for a morning of networking and conversation in a healthy, inclusive, and engaging atmosphere. Connect with colleagues and learn about advising structures, initiatives, and spaces. Coffee and refreshments will be served.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 pm

Location: ROWE Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 424, Storrs campus

RSVP here by Sept 4, 2024

Allied Health Sciences Coffee and Conversations (October 16)

Flyer for Coffee and Conversation with Department of Allied Health. Wooden table. background with a coffee cup, coffee, and espresso beans. With a navy blue low-opacity overlay. It has text detailing the event's name, time, location, and coffee cup.


The academic advising team in the Department of Allied Health Sciences invites faculty and professional staff advisors as well as our campus partners for a morning of networking and conversation in a healthy, inclusive, and engaging atmosphere. Connect with colleagues and learn about advising structures, initiatives, and spaces. Coffee and refreshments will be served.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 pm

Location: Koons Hall, Room 217, Storrs campus

RSVP here by October 8, 2024

Undergraduate Advising Table Talk Series

Undergraduate Advising Table Talk Series offers an opportunity for advisors to connect in person, share experiences and resources, and enhance their advising practices. 

Degree Audit Updates (January 16th)

Table Talk Series: Degree Audit Updates 

Join the Degree Audit team from the Office of the Registrar for an open discussion about the software and systems that advisors use every day. We'll cover topics such as Advisement Report quirks, automated communications with students, and upcoming improvements for 2025.


  • Office of the Registrar

Tuesday, January 16, 2025, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm.

Location: Susan V. Herbst Hall (OAK), Room 408, Storrs campus

Session Materials and Information:

  • The Registrars team has been working to update the Advisement Reports PDF versions to ensure ADA accessibility. There will be a live update to the Course History table on 1/17/24.
  • The new Course History table includes alternating gray lines to identify courses, clearer columns for P/F, and the change of Repeat Codes (Repeat Forgiveness and Duplicate course) from under a course title to the far-right hand column.  Screenshots of the changes are provided in the Powerpoint Presentation below.
  • This change affects the Advisement Report PDF versions for the Standard, What-If and Planner options for all.
  • The presentation includes information about the Degree Audit Office structure, student communication plan, and Spring and Summer 2025 Degree Audit and Advisement Report planned updates.

Table Talk Series: Degree Audit Powerpoint

Common Curriculum Handout

Career Coaching (February 18)

Table Talk Series: Career Coaching 

The Undergraduate Advising Table Talk Series offers a platform for advisors to connect, share experiences and resources, and enhance their advising practices.

In this session, colleagues from the Center for Career Readiness and Life Skills will lead a discussion with advisors on the intersection of career services and advising. In this interactive workshop, participants will explore common scenarios, receive helpful resources, and learn coaching strategies and best practices from fellow advisors.


  • Center for Career Readiness & Life Skills

Tuesday, February 18th, 2025, 12:00 - 1:00pm

Location: Susan V. Herbst Hall (OAK), Room 408, Storrs campus

RSVP here

Caring for Yourself while Caring for Others: Creating your Best Work Life Presence (March 20)

Table Talk Series: Caring for Yourself while Caring for Others: Creating your Best Work Life Presence

Being interested in serving others is wonderful and sometimes while doing this, our plates can get filled up. This presentation seeks to help you identify practices that will reduce energy loss and help you to refill your reserves so that you can feel well and do well.


  • Paula Wilmot, Assistant Dean of Students, Dean of students

Thursday, March 20th, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Location: Susan V. Herbst Hall (OAK), Room 408, Storrs campus

RSVP here

Advising Resource Sharing (October 17)

Table Talk Series: Advising Resource Sharing

Undergraduate Advising Table Talk Series offers an opportunity for advisors to connect in person, share experiences and resources, and enhance their advising practices.


Abby Clark, Academic Advisor, Admissions and Enrollment, School of Nursing

Kristen Dostaler, Academic Advisor, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR)

Thursday, October 17th, 2024, 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Location: Susan V. Herbst Hall (OAK), Room 408, Storrs Campus

RSVP here

New Advisors Connect (November 19th)

Table Talk Series: New Advisor Connect

Undergraduate Advising Table Talk Series offers an opportunity for advisors to connect in person, share experiences and resources, and enhance their advising practices.


Abby Clark, Academic Advisor, Admissions and Enrollment, School of Nursing

Kristen Dostaler, Academic Advisor, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR)

Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Location: Susan V. Herbst Hall (OAK), Room 408, Storrs campus

RSVP here

Spring 2025 Topics and Schedule

Building Your Personal Advising Philosophy (February 5)

Building Your Personal Advising Philosophy

Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. (in person)

Location: Austin 103 (updated location)

This interactive session will focus on developing and/or refining the framework of your advising philosophy, an essential tool to grounding and guiding the work of all advisors.


Kelly Gilbert, Assistant Director for Engagement, Learning, and Development, Office of Undergraduate Advising

Amy Donofrio, Associate Director, Undergraduate Program, College of Engineering

Register HERE

Supporting UConn Students (February 12)

Supporting UConn Students

Wednesday, February 12 (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)

In this 3-hour session, the following UConn campus partner offices will present resources, referral information, and strategies for supporting UConn students.

  • Center for Students with Disabilities
    • Presenters:
      • Jennifer Lucia, Senior Associate Director, Center for Students with Disabilities
      • Bryanna Anderson, Associate Director, Center for Students with Disabilities
  • Veterans and Military Programs
  • Students at Academic Risk
    • Presenters:
      • Kimberly Gorman, Director , Student Support Services, Center for Access and Postsecondary Success
      • Valerie Jenkelunas, Assistant Director of Academic Support, Academic Achievement Center
  • Center for International Students and Scholars
    • Presenters:
      • Arthur Galinat, Director, International Student & Scholar Services, PDSO/RO
      • Jeannie Slayton, Director, Intercultural Programs and Support/UCAELI

    Register HERE

Common Curriculum Overview for Academic Advisors (February 18)

Common Curriculum Overview for Academic Advisors (virtual)

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

This session aims to give academic advisors a comprehensive overview of UConn's Common Curriculum for Leadership and Global Citizenship.


Pamela Bedore, Associate Professor, English Department and Chair of the Common Curriculum (CCC+) Committee

Brandy Nelson, Executive Director and Dean’s Designee, School of Business and CCC+ Committee Member (Communication and Coordination)

Register HERE

Life Purpose Lab for Academic Advisors: Discover Purpose in Your Everyday Life (February 26)

Life Purpose Lab for Academic Advisors: Discover Purpose in Your Everyday Life (in person)

Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Participants learn a simple, powerful strategy for living each day with more purpose. They will connect with other participants on what each finds purposeful, thus building community and a sense of mission. Presented by the Life Purpose Lab (Lifepurpose.lab.uconn.edu). 

Location: SHH/OAK 408

Register HERE



Undergraduate Faculty Advisor Panel: From Advising to Mentoring: Elevating your Skills in Faculty Advising (March 6)

Undergraduate Faculty Advisor Training: From Advising to Mentoring: Elevating your Skills in Faculty Advising

Thursday, March 6, 2025 from 12:30 - 1:45 p.m. (virtual) Date change

Engage in a discussion focused on advising and mentoring with a panel of experienced faculty and staff advisors:

  • Approaches to advising and increasing your advising and mentoring competency
  • Advancing toward Mentoring
    • Identify differences between advising and mentoring
    • Formal and informal ways faculty advising happens
    • Resources available to grow your advising skills


Erin Ciarimboli, Director of Undergraduate Advising

Kelly Gilbert, Assistant Director for Engagement, Learning, and Development, Office of Undergraduate Advising


Vida Samuel, Assistant Professor in Residence, Human Development and Family Sciences, Stamford Campus

Panelists: TBD

Register HERE

Advisor Talk: DEI Work: Exploring Role Conflict in Advising (April 24)


Advisor Talk: DEI Work: Exploring Role Conflict in Advising (in person and virtual) 

Join us for a new series offering advisors a shared space to explore how their identities impact the work they do. In this initial session, we will discuss the topic of role conflict and how it shapes our work as academic advisors. 


  • Dr. Megan Delaney, Pre-Professional Academic Advising & Major Change Requests
  • Dr. Amy Donofrio, Associate Director, Undergraduate Program, College of Engineering
  • Kelly Gilbert, Assistant Director for Engagement, Learning, and Development, Office of Undergraduate Advising

Thursday, April 24, 2025, 10:00am - 11:00am

Location: Susan V. Herbst Hall (OAK), Room 408, Storrs campus or join via WebEx

RSVP here

Fall 2024 Workshop Topics and Schedule

Common Curriculum Overview for Academic Advisors (September 25)

Common Curriculum Handout
Flyer for Common Curriculum Overview for academic advisors with two speakers' names, titles, dates, times, and locations. Navy blue low-opacity over an image with books.

Common Curriculum Overview for Academic Advisors (virtual)

Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

This session aims to give academic advisors a comprehensive overview of UConn's Common Curriculum for Leadership and Global Citizenship.


Pamela Bedore, Associate Professor, English Department and Chair of the Common Curriculum (CCC+) Committee

Brandy Nelson, Executive Director and Dean’s Designee, School of Business and CCC+ Committee Member (Communication and Coordination)

Register HERE

Link to WebEx Recording

Creating Campus Partner Connections (October 2)

Fler with name of centers presenting, information on event, time, date, and location of event. Navy blue low-opacity over the image of a team talking.

Creating Campus Partner Connections

Wednesday, October 2 (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)

In this 3-hour session, the following UConn campus partner offices will present resources, referral information, and strategies for connecting with and enhancing academic advising, all aimed at enhancing student success.

  • Office of Financial Aid
    • Presenter: Carrie Fernandes, Associate Director, Compliance and Quality Assurance, Office of Financial Aid
  • UConn Center for Career Development
    • Presenter: Beth Settje, Associate Director, Experiential Learning and College to Career Transitions
  • Student Health and Wellness (SHaW)
    • Presenter: Kristina Stevens, Director of Mental Health, Student Health and Wellness
  • Enrichment Programs
    • Presenters:
      • Ken Cormier, Director, Individualized & Interdisciplinary Studies Program and Coordinator, University Scholar Program
      • Kaitlin Heenehan, Associate Director, Honors Program at the Regional Campuses and Director, Regional Campuses for Enrichment Programs
      • Micah Heumann, Director, Office of Undergraduate Research
      • Anne Kim, Assistant Director for Honors Advising
      • Vin Moscardelli, Director, Office of National Scholarships & Fellowships
      • Sarah Scheidel, Director, Office of Pre-Professional Advising

    Register HERE

    Link to WebEx Recording

Nexus Workshop: Tips, Tricks and Best Practices (October 9)

Nexus Workshop: Tips, Tricks and Best Practices (in person)

Wednesday, October 9th, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

Location: Susan V. Herbst Hall (SHH), Room 408

This session aims to equip Nexus users with best practices, tips, and updates to maximize the platform's effectiveness in supporting student success.

This session is intended for all current Nexus users; professional staff and faculty advisors and campus partners.


Abby Clark, Academic Advisor, Admissions and Enrollment, School of Nursing

Joseph Tinnel, Academic Advisor, Department of Mathematics, CLAS

Kelly Gilbert, Assistant Director for Engagement, Learning, and Development, Office of Undergraduate Advising

Register HERE

New Undergraduate Faculty Advisor Onboarding and Training (October 10)

New Undergraduate Faculty Advisor Onboarding and Training

Thursday, October 10, 2024, 12:30 - 1:45 p.m.

Participants will leave with an overview of undergraduate faculty advising at UConn as well as university and advising tools and resources.

At this session, the following topics will be covered:
• Introduction to University Advising
• Policies and Important University Offices
• University Systems/Tools (Nexus, Student Administration System, HuskyCT)
• Resources to help you to be a successful advisor
• Connecting/growing as a faculty advisor


Nick Delaney, Director of Engineering Experiential Education, College of Engineering

Erin Ciarimboli, Director of Undergraduate Advising

Kelly Gilbert, Assistant Director for Engagement, Learning, and Development, Office of Undergraduate Advising

Register HERE

Academic Standing Updates and Bylaw Changes (October 30)

Academic Standing Updates and Bylaw Changes (virtual)

Wednesday, October 30 from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

This session will include an overview of the Fall 2024 academic standing process updates and University Bylaw changes and implementation plan. All advisors and campus partners who work with students in this process are strongly encouraged to attend.


Kelly Gilbert, Assistant Director for Engagement, Learning, and Development, Office of Undergraduate Advising


Academic Standing Updates Training Video

All faculty and staff who work with students in the academic standing process and the academic dismissal process should watch this training video for critical updates and implementation timeline as a result of recent Senate bylaw changes.

Academic Standing Updates Presentation

Academic Standing Updates Bylaws



NACADA Conferences

NACADA is an association of professional advisors, counselors, faculty, administrators, and students working to enhance the educational development of students. Advisors are encouraged to explore the events below. For more information, visit the NACADA website.

NACADA 2025 Region 1 Conference (April 1-3)

NACADA Region 1 Conference

April 1-3, 2025

Buffalo, New York

Registration Link


NACADA 2024 Annual Conference (October 27-30)

A Beautiful Day in the Burgh: Championing Advisors as Helpers

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

David L. Lawrence Convention Center

October 27-30, 2024

Link to registration, schedule and other important information.