Getting an undergraduate degree is not just about meeting the university’s graduation requirements. Seek out opportunities that enrich your undergraduate experience, complement your classroom learning, and prepare you for graduate school and/or career.
Community Outreach
The Community Outreach office engages students in service activities that enhance the quality of life for both others and themselves. All programs are student-led and include alternative breaks, semester-long programs, one-time service programs and more.
Leadership Office
- Husky Outreach for Leadership Development, Understanding, and Pride (HOLDUP!) Student-run leadership organization committed to helping Connecticut high school students discover their own leadership potential through engaging and educational workshop presentations
- Leadership Certificate Series
- Leadership Legacy: Invites exceptional student leaders to participate in a year-long leadership enhancement experience
Learning Communities
Living and Learning Communities provide cohorts of students with opportunities to investigate areas of interest, either based on their major or an interdisciplinary topic, through guided courses – including service learning courses – and co-curricular activities.
- more than 15 residential communities to choose from including: Global House, Fine Arts, EcoHouse, Eurotech House, Humanities House and Nursing House
- and 9 non-residential communities including Allied Health, History and Pre-Teaching
Academic Leadership and Mentorship Opportunities
Serve as a mentor or ambassador for your major or School or College
- The Major Experience mentors – mentoring opportunities for all undergraduate majors
- College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources ambassadors
- School of Engineering ambassadors
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Leadership Board
Clubs and Organizations
Hundreds of student clubs and organizations provide opportunities for students to explore their interests and gain relevant knowledge and experience.